Microcredit is a small loan for a short term, aimed at covering unexpected expenses or financial needs.
To obtain a microloan, you need to be over 18 years old, have an ID, driver's license, permanent residence registration, and proof of income.
Usually, it takes less than 1 minute. We analyze your data and if the answer is positive, the money will be in your account within 10 seconds after completing the microloan.
The amount of microcredit you can obtain is calculated based on your transaction history. For new users, it can be up to 100 USDT (~R$500).
In case of financial difficulties and problems with loan repayment, you need to access the application and extend the microloan by paying the interest for another week (usually not exceeding R$14).
Yes, you can. Even if you have a poor credit history, you can apply, and we will try to find a solution that suits your situation.
To repay the microcredit, you can do it in the application under the "micro" section. You need to click on the "repay loan" button. Pay the loan and interest through the generated PIX link.
The repayment period for the microcredit is 7 days. However, you can extend it every week.
Late loan repayment may result in penalty charges and additional interest. It is recommended to repay the loan on time to avoid such additional expenses.
Whom to contact in case of questions or issues?
We have no hidden fees. The interest rate for using the microloan is 2% per day. The maximum term is 7 days, with the option to extend every 7 days.
For example: You took a microloan of 25 USDT (~R$122) for 7 days at a rate of 2% per day. After 7 days, you will need to repay 25 USDT and interest of 3.5 USDT (~R$16.9). Alternatively, you can extend the microloan by paying only 3.5 USDT.
You can repay the microloan early on any convenient day, but the interest for using the microloan will be calculated based on the 7-day term from the date of issuance or the last extension.
www.stregu.com is a platform for the company: STREGU INCORPORATION LTDA, registered with CNPJ: 49.856.599/0001-59, headquartered at Q SCN QUADRA 4 BLOCO B 4, SALA 702 PARTE 1390, ASA NORTE, BRASILIA, DF. CEP 70.714-020, This is not a financial institution. We act as a banking correspondent (under the terms of Resolution 3,594/11 of the Central Bank of Brazil) for FACILICRED SOCIEDADE DE CRÉDITO AO MICROEMPREENDEDOR LTDA (CNPJ/MF nº 04.849.745/0001-80) and CELCOIN INSTITUAÇÃO DE PAGAMENTO S.A. ( CNPJ/MF nº 13.935.893/0001-09)
Payment term: from 1 day to 1 week. The effective cost can vary from 0.5% p.d. (182.5% p.a.) to 2% p.d. (730% p.a.). For example, a loan of R$100.00 in 7 days will have installments of R$16.2 for a total value of R$114.00 and a CET of 14.0% per week (730% per year). These values are exemplary and may vary according to the approval criteria for each proposal.